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ARC Review: Transformed in Wonderland


Book Title: Transformed in Wonderland

Author: Dani Hoots

Series: Wonderland Chronicles, Book 4 Finale

Published: February 23rd, 2021


The Duchess has taken over Wonderland.

Alice is still trying to wrap her head around it all—Chase has betrayed them and was working for the Duchess the entire time. Not only did Alice's best friend disappear in front of her eyes, but all of Wonderland has now been rewritten. Only she and Malcolm escaped by running to the safety(?) of the Dark Forest. Now they needed to work harder than ever to restore Wonderland, and revive Kate, if that is even possible.

This is the conclusion of Wonderland Chronicles


Received an ARC copy by the author herself for an honest review and this does not affect my review or rating of the book, thank you!

4 Curious Stars!

Those memories were what I was fighting for - those memories would get me through this.

~ Alice

I have rarely binged-read a series in my life, and yet this year I have done this with multiple series so far, which I am really proud of as I am way ahead in my reading challenge!

When I first picked up this book, I was excited to read it, I love Alice in Wonderland retellings, and while this series wasn't perfect at first, it did pick up really well by the end of the book!

I love how everything that happened in the first two books were explained and wrapped up in the last two. I can clearly see an interconnection between the books, which tells me Dani Hoots made sure everything in the series was cleared up and we were not left wandering what happened to this or why was this happening etc. It was a great ending to the story, although I did feel that it lacked action and suspense, considering Alice was up against basically everyone and all that pressure was on her shoulders. I liked the last 3 or 4 chapters in the end, they were pretty intense but I only wished it would have been this way from at least 50% of the book.

I also did miss most of the characters! We hardly got any of Melvin and Davis and Kenny! I was quite disappointed they didn't make much of an appearance, but I can deal with that.

Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed this series, it was a lot of twists and turns as to where Alice would go, where she could get help and what her choices would be in the end. It was thrilling to see the ending of this story, even if it did end very bitter sweetly. But who knows, it looks like there may be a continuation? Or it could be my wishful thinking! XD

I do highly recommend this series, it was a satisfying ending, and I enjoyed the mystery and the world development of this world. Makes me wish I had a Wonderland to escape to when my reality seems so stressed.

I will definitely miss this gang and I will definitely be checking out more of Dani's works!

"My world makes everything more complicated, not to mention how large it is and how many people there are. At least here things are sort of finite, even if there is a Dark Forest where everything wants to kill you. My world actually has plenty of those, truth be told."
"Oh really? I wish I'd gotten to visit them."
I rolled my eyes. "You are so strange."
Malcolm chuckled. "I suppose I am. But isn't everyone a little bit odd. At least anyone worth talking to."

~ Alice to Malcolm

Until next time!

~ Karen xx


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