Once again, it is my favorite time of the year: Banned Books Week! This year from September 27th to October 3rd, the American Library Association encourages readers to rejoice in their freedom to read by spotlighting current and historical attempts to censor books.
To write, publish, and share one's thoughts is an exercise in freedom of speech. When books are censored--whether because the content is deemed harmful or hurtful, or because one reader simply disagrees with the author's stance--this is a means of taking away someone's freedom of speech. Most often, books are challenged when someone finds them to be "offensive" or "inappropriate." By taking away this book, censorship also takes away the chance for all readers to think and decide for themselves what is right or wrong.
I am a steadfast supporter of rebellious reading! A handful of my favorite books were banned or challenged at some point, including such notorious titles as Lolita, Flowers for Algernon, American Psycho, and The Giver. It may be a coincidence that all of these books were put under scrutiny, but then again, what I love about each of these stories are their unique character perspectives and thought-invoking plights. Maybe the blunt reality of these non-traditional characters is too much for some to consider, so in their fear, with the intention of protecting others from witnessing these distressing perspectives on life, they seek to censor.
Thankfully today, censoring books is much more difficult than it used to be. Now when a book is challenged, a copy can easily be found elsewhere by those who defy authority. In fact, many readers seek out books because they have been challenged or banned!
This year my forbidden TBR stack includes Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs and Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. And, honestly, probably Lolita again. What can I say? I am a creature of habit.
What will you be reading this year to inspire yourself, open your mind, and celebrate your freedom to read?
If you need help finding titles, here you can find a list of the Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2019, and here a comprehensive list of Frequently Challenged Books by Genre. There are also a plethora of Goodreads Lists focusing on banned or challenged books.
For more information on Banned Books Week, check out ala.org and bannedbooksweek.org!
Happy reading, you little renegade!
Audrey, Warped Shelves