So.......I don’t even know where start. I am drained, as if someone took all of the energy out of me. This book was so beautifully and elegantly written. The way Celeste Ng wrote the words and used syntax and various sentences stricter made the book that much more imaginative and real, If that made sense. I could imagine the story playing out in front of me as if I was watching a movie.
I loved the way the books shows all of the characters. There were all equally balanced displayed, even minor characters. I loved the depth of each character that Celeste Ng gave to show us the stories about the characters and why they have the beliefs and philosophies about how to live life and follow the “rules”. The debate between right and wrong was one the of the main things challenged throughout the book. Both sides were shown through Elena and Mia, one who follows rules and structures and the other who lives in the grey area between.
The underlying layered messages about class, greed, race, motherhood, love, family. They were all portrayed in the story and their effects were explosive. The town Shaker Heights itself was symbolic and So much it even felt as if it was a character in itself. Mia Warren And Izzy were some of the characters that had a big impact on me. They were both misunderstood and didn’t follow the stricter life that is emphasized in suburbia. Every character had their own impact on me. Each of them had profile character choices that showed the type of people they were in their sheltered life.
It is an emotional rollercoaster this book I don’t even believe I can write down fully what I want to say in this review. I loved the book, probably the best book I have read this year so far. There are so much to discuss about this book I know I haven’t said everything in this review but I am so emotional over this book. Overall I recommend reading it is a beautiful and impactful book that show the dangers of obsession.
5/5 stars