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Review: The Night Sender by Christina Tsirkas

Aj (Prettygalsread)

Thank you to the author or sending me a copy of her book in exchange for an honest review!

"If you love him as you say you do, would you condemn him to death for your own pleasure?"

I felt that this story was very was extremely good for the authors debut. I enjoyed the era in which the story took place and world although the world building and descriptions could have been a bit more detailed.

Rose was a very likeable character and I liked her rebellious attitude towards her "awakening" and The Night Sender tradition. Her romance with Roosha was sweet but if you're not a fan of insta-love then you might not enjoy it as much. It was a very quick leap from friends to lovers. Roosha and his personality made it enjoyable in my opinion.

I would've liked for a things to have been explained more in this book. I felt like there were quite a few instances when a event or situation happened that the author built up but then there as no explanation as to why it was important, what lead to it or who was the cause.

Overall this was an enjoyable read and I appreciate how the author normalized women's sexuality and sexual nature.

3.5/5 ✰’s


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