Book Title: Captured in Wonderland
Author: Dani Hoots
Series: Wonderland Chronicles, Book 2
Published: December 8th, 2020
Alice is back for more adventures!
Almost a year has passed since Alice defeated Morpheus, but there still has been no sign of him. That is, until Alice starts having strange dreams that start bleeding into her every day life. Will Alice be able to find Morpheus before she loses her mind? Or has Morpheus already set a trap for her?
Received an ARC copy from the author herself, for an honest review and this does not affect my rating or review of the book, thank you!
"Dear Alice, you are capable of so many things in Wonderland, you have no idea."
~ Morpheus to Alice
4 Intriguing Stars!
Wow, what an incredible journey we have faced along with Alice and her group of friends. Due to her recent experience, Alice has matured and grown up in this story, which I loved and admired. During the year, she has trained in many skills such as sword fighting and locking picking with a hair pin, who would have thought a girl needed such skill? I greatly enjoyed Alice in this book more than in the previous one. Yes, there were times that she did act the same childish self, being stubborn and not doing what others tell her to do or thinking she can do it all. But I liked her courage even when faced with Morpheus, the destroyer of dreams and now the creator of nightmares. Alice must face many nightmares on her own as Morpheus tries to destroy Alice before she can destroy his plans. But there may be more than one enemy in this book and it may not be as obvious.
I really enjoyed Malcolm in this story as well. He is still mysterious as always however we do get scenes of his past and who he was before he became the Hatter he is now. Malcolm is a very caring person who cares deeply for Alice but I do think he can get a little over-protective and possessive with her. I understand why but sometimes he needs to let loose. But his devotion and loyalty for Alice is clear and I am glad she has someone like him to rely on. I just hope their relationship strengthens in the last two books.
Malcolm sat down next to me on the bed. "You are not alone. I will never leave you, Alice. I will always be here to protect you."
~ Malcolm to Alice
Chase is always the same as always! Trying to make a joke and prank all the time and driving deep into Malcolm's skin which is annoying and funny to watch. But Chase is also a very loyal and devoting friend to Alice and he proves this in this book I believe more now then previously. I am glad he chooses to help and prove himself worthy, if not for the rest of the group then for Alice. He has helped her, listened to her and given his advice and Alice listens. She does not worry about what the others think of Chase or of his past, she sees him now and it is great to see that Chase is able to find comfort in her as well. They make a great friendship which is beneficial for both of them.
I still love his arguments and banter with Malcolm but I really do hope they eventually become good friends.
I turned to find Chase standing there, dust covering his hair and clothes but otherwise okay. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Alice. Thank goodness you are okay."
"Am I just chopped liver?" Malcolm commented, although I wasn't sure if it was toward me or Chase.
Chase gave him a look. "No, I like chopped liver more than I like you."
And last but not least, can we just talk about KENNY! Kenny is amazing! He is the cherry on top of the cake, he is frosting to cupcakes, he is the foam to all cappuccino! Kenny is a delight, he is a very funny and flirty character and I love him! I love how he interacts with all the characters, even during tough times he can make a joke for laughs or just be his silly self! Some examples:
"I will be stealthy. Which means Kenny will not be there."
Kenny pouted. "But I love going on missions with you."
"But you are loud and obnoxious."
"Well fine. I'll just stay up all night, eating the cookies and candy you think you hid well enough from me. Fun fact, you didn't. I know which cupboard they are in."
~ Bill to Kenny
"Today we will discuss more about what the meaning is behind 1984 before starting our next unit next week, which is ..." Kenny turned to Mr. Barnes.
"Huckleberry Finn."
"Oh, I do love berries. Will there be tart?"
Again with the tarts. He really seemed to be fixate on them.
~ Kenny acting as an English Teacher!
I could hear Kenny's voice from the hallway. I was glad to hear he was safe and sound. As I listened a little closer, I could hear him say something about tarts. I saw Malcolm roll his eyes, and he ushered me away.
"That man and tarts," Malcolm whispered.
"Maybe I should make him some after all this is over."
"No, you would only add to the problem."
AHHH see what I mean?! He is amazing and I love him. He really cheers me up when he talks or even when he is around!
I greatly enjoyed this sequel and I am really looking forward to the next two books of the series. Definitely a series worth checking out and ignoring everything else so you can devour this series! Highly recommend it!

~ Karen <3